Diocesan Delegates

Diocesan Convention will be on October 25 & 26, 2024, in Salem.

As part of our Diocesan governance, lay and ordained delegates from each church represent their parish or mission at four meetings a year.

Our Current Diocesan Delegates
Mark Kliewer - Rector's Warden (2024)
Leslie Imes - People's Warden (2024)
Ocean Eale - Delegate (2024)
Dick Raub - Delegate

OPEN - Alternate

Diocesan Delegate Qualifications and Expectations
The St. Bart’s Diocesan Delegate team is made up of:
• Four Diocesan Delegates. Appointed at the Annual Meeting for a 3-year term.
• One Alternate Delegate.
• The St. Bart’s Clergy.

Diocesan Delegates:
• Attend the Diocesan Convention in the Fall.
• Attend three Saturday Convocation Meetings.

Duties before Convention
• Become familiar with the Budget and Resolutions. (by attending Convocation Meetings)
• Read the Bios of the candidates standing for Diocesan positions.
• Register and pay for convention and the hotel. (Usually in September)

Duties at Convention
• Elect Diocesan Officers.
• Approve the Diocesan Budget.
• Vote on Diocesan Resolutions.
• Hear Diocesan Reports and the Keynote speaker.