Worship Leaders

Each member of the congregation helps to celebrate the Eucharist on Sunday. However, there are some who give of their time and talents to help lead the worship service.
These are our Acolytes, Altar Guild, Chalice Bearers, Greeters, Healing Team, Intercessors, Lay Eucharistic Visitors, Lectors and Ushers.
Together with our congregation and clergy, the worship leaders help to enact meaningful worship that leads people closer to God.

Acolytes are adults and youth who assist in the service by acting as torchbearers, banner bearers, and bearers of the processional cross.
They also light the candles before the service, hold the Gospel book during the reading of the Gospel, and help prepare the altar for communion.
Acolytes help lead worship and are a vital (and fun) ministry at St. Bart’s.

The Altar Guild is a dedicated group of women and men who oversee the care of God's Altar.
They are an important part of our worship team; their weekly offering to the parish includes arranging the flowers, caring for the altar, and ensuring that the altar is set for The Eucharistic Feast.
The Altar Guild is open to all and is a wonderful way to connect with other people while helping to make worship at St. Bart's possible.
For more information, please contact the office or a member of the clergy.

Our Chalice Bearers assist the clergy at Communion by distributing wine.
Chalice Bearers generally serve at one or two services a month.
They are licensed by the Bishop to distribute communion and are part of the worship team.
If you are interested in discerning a call to this ministry, please contact one of the clergy.

Each Sunday an Intercessor leads the Prayers of the People.
At the 8 a.m. service, this function is filled by one of the chalice bearers.
At 10 a.m. the intercessor comes to the lectern from the congregation and lifts up the corporate prayers of the community.

Our teams of Lay Eucharistic Visitors take communion from our worship services to those who are unable to attend services.
Members of our Lay Eucharistic Visitors team are clergy approved and trained, and licensed by the bishop.
Please speak with a member of the clergy if you are interested in discerning a call to this ministry.

Our Lay Readers read lessons from the Old and New Testaments during services on Sunday and on special occasions.
Hearing the Scriptures aloud on Sunday is an important part of the liturgy.
In fact, the first half of our service is called The Liturgy of the Word.
Our readers help us all to go deeper into the lessons.
To discern a call to this ministry, please contact one of the clergy.

Ushers have a variety of important jobs.
They hand out bulletins at the start of the service, and then later count the attendance.
At the Offertory, they ensure that the bread and wine are presented to the altar and pass out the collection plates.
After the Offertory, they bring the people's offering to the altar.

If you are interested in participating as an usher, please contact the office.