
We are happy that you are considering celebrating your wedding at St. Bart’s. It is our hope that we can help make your wedding a meaningful Christian experience.

Your wedding is a time of great excitement and joy. It is also a Christian rite centered on the commitment that you are choosing to make in the presence of God and your loved ones.

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The following are the first steps in planning your wedding at St. Bart’s:
1. Initial Appointment: Make an appointment to speak with one of our priests by calling the office at 503.644.3468

2. Scheduling, Building Reservation, and Fees: Our clergy and office staff will help you schedule your wedding and rehearsal time and date.
It is important not to set a date for your wedding until you have met with your priest and determined that St Bart’s is the right place for your celebration.
Our clergy and office staff will discuss all fees.

3. Clergy: The clergy of St. Bart’s are delighted to officiate at your wedding at St. Bart's.
We can often recommend clergy to officiate at weddings that take place at another venue.
Please speak with the rector if you would like to have a non-St. Bart's priest preside at your wedding at St. Bart's.

4. Baptism: Our Canons require that at least one of you be a baptized Christian.

5. Divorce: If either party has been divorced, our clergy must receive permission from the Bishop of the Diocese of Oregon to perform your marriage ceremony.
Your priest will explain this process.
Please note the divorced person must apply at least 90 days before the ceremony.

6. Order of Service: Weddings conducted at St. Bart’s use the Episcopal rites as approved by our Bishop. Click here for service details.

7. Music: Our Music Director will work with you to advise and approve your wedding music choices.

8. Pre-Marital Counseling Plans: Please note that pre-marital counseling is required in the Episcopal Church and must occur before a wedding takes place. Your priest will help you make pre-marital counseling plans.

9. Wedding License: Please remember that you will need to obtain a wedding license and deliver it to the church a week before your wedding.
Contact your local County Courthouse for information on how to apply.

10. Photography and Videography Guidelines: Since Christian marriage is a sacrament of the Church, please speak with your priest about photography inside the church before the day of your wedding.